Pencil Cases: A Simple Guide to Use and Selection
If you need compact and roomy furniture, we recommend paying attention to tall cabinets They take up virtually no space due to their vertical and narrow shape. At the same time, they are suitable for absolutely all rooms, including the bathroom and kitchen. Such a product is more comfortable and practical than, for example, a wardrobe. It is presented in a wide range, so when choosing, you may need the help of professionals. We suggest that you figure out the selection of such a design together!
How to choose the right pencil case
The product can be built-in, wall-mounted or floor-standing. Choosing the most suitable option depends not only on your taste preferences. It is also necessary to consider the size of the room. For example, in a large room, a small structure will look out of place and, to put it mildly, ugly. A massive product is definitely not suitable for a small space, such as a bathroom.
Basic nuances of choosing pencil cases:
Purpose. We have already said that this product is universal, suitable for absolutely all rooms. Based on the place of its installation, you can store books, dishes, clothes or even shoes in it.
Size. Above we have already described for which room, which design will be the ideal option. This criterion is very important especially in small apartments.
Material. Here you can go wild, choose artificial or natural variations. All the offered varieties are attractive and reliable, however, the second option will definitely not cause an allergic reaction.
Color. Consider the overall interior of the room and the color of the objects in it. You can choose a contrasting item and make it the accent of the room.
Having decided on the parameters and appearance of the product, we move on to its varieties.
Comparison of trending models
Before buying, consult with your family members, because everyone should like the product. Study its features, tell your household about them. Approach the choice with full responsibility, because such a design will last a long time.
Bookcases can be open or closed, depending on your tastes. They will become a decorative element and have the following advantages:
Models with doors provide excellent protection for items from dust and dirt.
Open options provide quick access to books and items.
You can choose the variety according to your wishes. We recommend giving preference to natural materials, because they have a more chic and luxurious look.
Office cabinets are not only suitable for offices and studies, they are also ideal for the living room or bedroom. They have advantages that you will definitely like:
You can separate the study from the bedroom, thereby using the free space rationally.
There will be less clutter because all things will be in one place.
Your documents and even money will be under reliable protection, because if you wish, you can install a lock or a safe. This design is suitable for all interior styles, depending on your preferences.
Straight wardrobes can be placed along the wall in the center or as close to the corner as possible. They have the following advantages:
You can easily choose the most suitable option, because this product is universal.
They save space and will fit into any room layout.
These designs are affordable and practical, you will definitely like them. They are presented in such a wide range that your eyes will run wild.
Corner wardrobes are ideal for a small apartment due to their compactness. In addition, the following can be attributed to the advantages:
They are spacious enough to accommodate even things like bed linen or shoe boxes.
They take up practically no space and just stand quietly in the corner.
When choosing, consider the layout and tastes of the household so that everyone is comfortable. This design only causes admiration, it is durable and reliable.
Sliding wardrobes ideal for living rooms and bedrooms, they also have the following advantages:
They look great in any interior and become its highlight.
You can organize the interior space as you wish.
This design saves space, it can be made completely on the entire wall. Thus, you will not need to spend money on additional items, buy nightstands, chests of drawers, etc.
Secrets of pencil case durability
If you want to enjoy your pencil case as long as possible, here are some tips to extend its “life”:
Don't overload the design, otherwise you'll quickly need a new option.
Wipe with soft cloths and soapy water.
If you want it to shine, then choose a special product without aggressive substances.
This way, the product will be protected from dirt and dust, and will retain its qualities and appearance.
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